Soooo. . . . I was in much better shape when we began our trip from Victoria to Winnipeg in 2004. No saddle sores, and I could ride a big day the day after a big day. That's all a clue for what follows.
On the fourth day, I had such saddle sores I could no longer continue. Hitchhiked half-way, or more to Dryden. Rested next day. Following day tried hitch-hiking to Thunder Bay. Gave up after 2 hours and rode the bus the 300 plus km. Got there just moments after Kenton. Ugly ride next day - rain, road construction - only 72 km. Getting stronger. Rode 112 km to Long Lac; voted with Kenton to ride another 50 km to Klotz Lake - where we were so wonderfully taken care of, as Kenton earlier noted.
Next day, after 60 kms, stuck out my thumb. First man by picked me up and gave me a 100 km ride to Hearst. Marvelous.
Next day rode 160 km approx to Smooth Rock Falls. Next morning, so tired, just stayed at motel until 3:30. (Was going to hitch hike the 190 km to catch up to where Kenton planned to stay in Kenogami. ) There still are 'angels.' 'Joe,' checking out at the same time as I, offered to drive in the opposite direction that he was going. That's right - he drove me the 190 km to Kenogami, back the 190 km, and another 45 minutes to his destination. He said he was bored, away from his family, and wanted to help me catch up to Kenton. We had great conversation, and when I turned the conversation to spiritual things, he as much as said
, bring it on. Give me something to think about. One of those divine appointments. And although 'Joe' is not often called an angel, our Lord used him to meet a great need in my life. Next day rode 160 km in 33 degree weather - nine bottles of water, at least, besides stops for refreshment.
After 50 kms, again in 32 degrees, stopped for lunch, fruitlessly tried to hitchhike, back to restaurant for another cold pop. 50 kms from North Bay. Ordered, then cancelled a taxi. The owner, on my behalf, boldly aksed two young women who stopped for a break whether they could give "this old man a ride to North Bay." They readily agreed.
Rented a car for one day - Kenton was going to ride another 50 kms towards Ottawa that day. Stayed in Mattawa. Kenton rode - I drove to Pembrooke.
I did ride on Saturday, the last 159km to Ottawa. Two day rest. Experienced wonderful hospitality, food and friendship with Coutney, Starr and Vania.
Tuesday rode a full day. Finally the bod is up to speed, and I ride a full day into greater Montreal.
And then BANG. A car cut me off - I hit the car headfirst, landed on my right shoulder, hip, and the right side, back of my head. Broke a chunk of protective foam right out of my helmet.
Kenton had been a block or so ahead of me. When he noticed I was nowhere in sight, he waited a few minutes, then started pedalling back, thinking I probably had a flat tire. Well, it was me, flat on my back. As he was returning, he heard the sirens.
Both police and ambulance attended. Apparently, I didn't lose consciousness, but I only remember a few details. I do remember Kenton getting there; I think I remember answering the questions about any meds I was taking. I remember part of the ambulance ride. And then from about 1 and a half hours later, I remember too much.
No, I've so far had no flashbacks or nightmares.