Thursday, June 7, 2007

June 7- Kenton Rest Day in Thunder Bay

My dad is trying to get a head start on the 1450 km to Ottawa from Thunder Bay- he's had the last two days off. We're trying to make to the national capital by next Saturday. I'm taking a rest day and should meet up with him somewhere before Long Lac on Saturday.

Rest days are fun days. No bike, just walk. I had a coffee at Bar Italia, chatted with the local music store owner and updated the blog in the Thunder Bay Public Library.

Signs. You see a lot of signs on the road. Most are neutral- turn in the road, highway number indicators, businesses and advertisements. There is a dichotomy to other signs.

Signs that are good: progressively decreasing speed limits- you're getting closer to a major centre, motel- vacancy, and restaurant- open.
Signs that are bad: distance markers that are more than you think they should be, and motel- closed (in a town that you want to stay in).


Sonya said...

Hope your rest leaves you ready for another day on the bike. You guys have had quite the rough start.

Anonymous said...

Hello John and Kenton! I saw Evelyn just yesterday and she told us you were "on the road". I had no idea that you guys had even left yet! Any the old Irish blessing goes(now some what modified)......may the road rise to meet you, may the wind be at your backs, may the margins be wide and smooth, may the hills be gentle, may the journey be rich and rewarding and may God hold you both in the palm of his hand as you complete the challenge laid before you! Sean

Andrea said...

Wow... it is really hard to comprehend what your days are like especially since I don't even own a bike! Glad you are safe and hanging in there. I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

We really enjoyed having you stay with us out here in the wilderness! So glad none of the bear or moose stepped in your way. Here's hoping you have a very enjoyable and safe trip to Ottawa. At least I feel better knowing you have a good sandwich to eat along the way. Our very best to you and please stop in again when you're out this way...